
TSA 2012 第三季生日會 Salsa night

TSA 2012 第三季生日會& Salsa night


Salsa, Mereque, Bachata,

Reggeton, Salsaton, Cha-Cha cha…..



日期: 2012年8月4日 (星期六)

舞池開放時間: 20:00PM-24:00PM

當日的最高指導原則 :舞池不能有暫停呼吸的時間

地點: Cuisine Au Clair Jazz Bar

ADD.: 台中港路二段177號  (台中商旅一樓)

電話: 0985-771552

入場費: NT$350元/人 (含一杯飲料及限量小點心)


主辦單位:台灣莎莎拉丁舞蹈協會. Cuisine Au Clair Jazz Bar

連絡人: Jenna 0936-985881  Tina 0921-331369

Cuisine Au Clair Jazz Bar  0985-771552





@請維持SALSA好禮儀 (衣著整齊,微笑,熱情,性感,有禮貌….)



台灣莎莎流行拉丁舞蹈協會 敬邀


2012 Aug. 4th ~~TSA 3rd season Birthday Party and Salsa Night…

Let’s Rock another Summer night with lovely Latin music and your hot sweat!!
Come and join us with a great night of salsa music, dancing, and laughters….
You will make new friends here even if you come alone! 
Now, mark and leave the following date and time out for the SALSA

Date: August 4th(Sat.)
Time: 20:00~24:00 
Location: Cuisine Au Claire Jazz Bar @ The Hung’s Mansion Hotel
Add: 1F, No.177, Sec.2, Taichung Port Road (Taichungkang Rd), Situn District, Taichung

Entrance Fee: NT$350/per person (includes one drink and limited snack)
DJ of the night: Jenna Weng from Taichung

Remarks: Please, we need all the participants’ attention for the followings:

****** 1. Please change to the proper dance shoes to the dance floor, 
~~~~ both Ladies and Gentlemen
Due to the Hotel requirement, please DO NOT wear your own heels or any shoes that might give scratches to the wooden floor. 
If you don’t have any proper dance heels, please wear something flat. But, please make sure no sands or small stones on the bottom. 

2. No outside food or drinks allowed.

3. Don’t drink and drive 
If you foresee that you will have alcoholic drinks for the night, please have someone with you who can drive for you, Or, come by Taxi.

4. Please maintain the salsa curtesy… 
— Only smiles allowed in the party! 
— Please dress up properly for the night!

5. Parking 
Cars: No parking available in the hotel. Please make sure you leave for the party EARLY so you won’t miss any parts of the night because of looking for parking. 

Scooters: There are parking available in the hotel. Just follow the parking sign of the hotel to the basement, then shall see!
Or, there are parking on Taichungkang Road across to the hotel as well. 
(We will update the info accordingly.)

Thank you all for your cooperation.
Believe we will create a high quality night all together!

Organizers: Taiwan Salsa Association (TSA), Cuisine Au Clair Jazz Bar
Any questions, please contact: 
Tina 0921-331-369; Jenna 0936-985-881
Cuisine Au Clair Jazz Bar: 0985-771-552 
See you all soon

Taiwan Salsa Association
